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  • Writer's pictureEmily

Well, here we are

This isn't my first rodeo at writing a blog, but it's the first one I've started since coming out as transgender.

I know, I know, there are a lot of trans blogs around the place, but look closely; we're all different - this is mine.

What will I blog about? - Me mostly

Still reading? - well OK then and thanks. I'm going to try and split my posts between how I'm feeling now, things that have just happened and a bit of telling my story. Partly this is because as I face into transition in my (nearly) 43rd year, I need to write this stuff down to help square things in my head, but also - and this is super important, I've felt like crap for 42 & 11/12 years, and I know now that I've not been alone. I don't want anyone to feel like I did - Trans Activism gets blamed for a lot, so called 'erasure' of cis people, the corruption of youth and the destruction of society - but the simple reality is that I'm a human being, I happen to be female, and I happen not to have had the right physiology to match people's perceptions of this. I'm doing something about it - because (CW Suicide) - I have twice tried to end my life; most recently in August of 2019 from the repressed shame and guilt I've felt from the simple and harmless need to be seen as what I am - a normal, empathetic woman; and I don't intend to have a third go.

So - I'll do an ABC theme and talk stuff through, share my thinking and where I've been and hope to hear from others with common experiences or just respectful opinions. Transphobia is wholly irrational - so if you're a transphobe, please keep your opinions to yourself - and don't bother sharing here, I'll just delete them.

Strap in for the ride :-)

This is me, just me.

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